Return Policy

Return policy

  • To guarantee customer satisfaction, we offer free returns for the products that for some reasons did not met our customer's expectations.
  • You can create a return request right from your customer account.
  • purchasing can be returned in 14 days if it still in its new unopened and unused condition, or within 30 days if it defective
  • there are no fees to return the products
  • Returned products will be inspected for one of two main reasons. If the product is returned within 14 days, it must be its new unopened and unused condition. If products are returned within 30 days, the product must be defective or does not function as stated by the manufacturer, and this process requires the manufacturer to inspect and confirm product is defective (which usually takes only a few days to complete by the manufacturer)
  • nonreturnable products : Books, movies, memory disks , cosmetics , men underwear , women underwear, kids underwear , lingerie , swim wear , grocery , candles , medical masks , food supplement
  • in case of receiving defective product or with some missing accessories you should report to us with in 24 hours